Steven Elswick
A long-time friend of Paul Pantone and David Pantone. For over 35 years, Steve has been tirelessly dedicated to public disclosure and utilization clean and limitless energy technologies!
Here are a few priceless resources Steve produces:
ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference
ExtraOrdinary Technology Magazine
TeslaTech Youtube Channel Which includes 1000 Priceless Presentations and Steve’s Place Live Podcast. Subscribe, “like” and sign-up as a member for the tip-top content! Support this man’s efforts and support all of humanity. None of us are on “easy street” quite yet, but we are right on the threshold of a paradigm shift, thanks to people like Steve Elswick! Every bit counts, so get involved in any way you can today and let’s Change the world!
Join us at the
2023 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference
Aug 9-13 Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
This schedule is proactive and tentative. Therefore expect it to be changed and adjusted.
To register to attend the conference, scroll to the bottom of this page:
TeslaTech Members…
Register by March 31, 2023 for 30% Discount!
By the way… Teens are FREE!
In this podcast Steve talks with David Pantone about the strategy to move more and more advanced GEET systems quickly into the hands of the public.
March 5, 2023